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Histories and Cultures of the Caribbean

Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 23 Professional development opportunity for K-12 educators from all disciplines

Histories and Cultures of the Caribbean

The Caribbean: 1877 Stanfords Map (courtesy of Flickr)

Approved for 2 LAUSD Salary Points (multicultural)

Days of Instruction:

Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 23, 2017
8:00 am - 3:00 pm


This intensive five-day summer workshop will provide an overview of the rich history and culture of the Caribbean from prehispanic times to the present. The workshop will feature interdisciplinary presentations and discussions on the political, social, economic and cultural history of the region. Experts will introduce various texts and primary sources to shed light on historical legacies in relation to contemporary themes such as music, literature, migration, foodways, sports, and the arts.

In addition, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with their peers on the region and gain tools to enrich their current standards-based curriculum with content on the Caribbean. Furthermore, this workshop will provide teachers with the knowledge and resources with which they can understand better the backgrounds and cultures of many students in their classrooms. The workshop will include curriculum sessions to discuss the integration of new material and resources into the classroom.

Open to K-12 educators from all disciplines.
Cost & Registration:$125 (includes parking, breakfast/refreshments, and course materials)

To register for this workshop please complete the following steps:
1. Complete the online registration form
2. Submit $125 Online Payment (Debit/Credit Card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover)

Course Requirements:

You must be able to attend all workshop sessions. Participants will have access to reading materials, discussion questions, and other resources and assignments online via a course website.

To receive LAUSD salary credit, participants must attend all sessions and access the online course site to complete readings and assignments. Participants will submit a reflective essay and standards-based lesson plans centered on the workshop's themes as their final assignment.

For more details and to apply visit: //
Contact: Veronica Zavala | 310-825-4572

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